Spiritual Formation
I’ve been on the journey to discover God’s heart to reconcile all things back to himself through the work of his son, Jesus the Christ, and empowered with the work of the Holy Spirit.

Belovedness on our Island of Peace
The only hope for surcease, the only possibility of stability for the person, is to establish an Island of Peace within one’s own soul. Well within the island is the Temple where God dwells—not the God of the creed, the church, the family, but the God of one’s heart.”

Blessed are the Peacemakers
Martin Luther King Jr. writes in Strength to Love; “Only through an inner spiritual transformation do we gain the strength to fight vigorously the evils of the world in a humble and loving spirit. He recognizes that social change will not come overnight, yet he works as though it is an imminent possibility.” We have to build up an inner strength in Christ to be able to fully live into Christ’s ministry of reconciliation.