I’ve had the honor of sharing what Jesus has done in my life in many different contexts. Below are some of those places:
I shared at the One Race 400 Conference at Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church on dignified interdependent relationships in August 2019. (picture above)
Understanding our racial history for Transform Minnesota.
Loving Freely: A discipleship tool on Christ reconciling our divided lives.
Dignity Serves: A training on serving others through dignified interdependent relationships.
I Spoke at Cumberland Community Church about God’s heart for racial reconciliation and Dignity Serves.
Workshop on my journey into racial reconciliation and helpful resources. I shared my story in a brief message for Pecha Kucha: A boy from Bumpville.
This a picture with a good friend, Corregan Brown for a training we did on understanding culture for Be the Bridge.
Groups I’ve consulted or trained:
“We were so grateful to have Dan share today about Loving Freely and really have so often and how I can relate, unfortunately on leaning so much on what we think are our strengths and our goodness and so often disregarding those parts of ourselves that are present as well and so often what keeps our ministry from being effective. We had a whole crew come today and we are so grateful for Dan to come and genuinely, lovingly and authentically share his journey and inviting us to take a peak at our selves in a deeper way.”
Danny Weurfell, Desire Street Ministries
“We love Dignity Serves. The topics of poverty, race, justice, dignified interdependence and a holistic gospel of Jesus Christ can be very challenging and difficult, but Dan’s delivery is unique because of his credibility, authenticity and humility. He speaks from a level of life experience, having worked these concepts out in his own heart and ministry context, which allows him to deliver this rich content in a non-threatening but very compelling way.”
James Gadsby, Chief Operating Officer: Desire Street Ministries
“We’re in part of town that is being quite gentrified and we as a church had to make a decision are we going to walk into that profit of gentrification or are we going to love and serve the people that are pushed out. We made a hard and difficult decision to move with our neighbors. Because through Dignity Serves and the concept of dignified interdependence we have been working with people. We have given up doing things for people, but we have developed a community that is with people in the everyday trenches of life and so when our neighbors are pushed out, we are going to go with them. The Lord use
Rob Irvine, Outside the Walls Pastor: Cumberland Community Church
“We recently finished the book The Color of Compromise and have begun some action-step conversations around how to appreciate, foster and learn from a multi-ethnic community here. I am so appreciative of your message when you came to Impact 360 in the summer. God used you to really shift some perspective in my life and placed on me a mantle of reconciliation for my generation and our community. I am SO grateful for the work that you are doing and so expectant for what God is doing here!
What God is doing through you is changing the trajectory of reconciliation in America today. Your voice is powerful and God is using you in huge ways. Thank you for standing up for those who have fewer ears hearing them. You are a kingdom shaker! Please continue to pray for us, our book club, Impact 360, and our leadership as we continue to seek and bring about reconciliation here at Impact!”
Eilise Griffith; Impact 360, Chick-Fil-A